40 things we love about Melissa
To celebrate Melissa Kauk's 40th birthday, June 19, 2024, we created a list of 40 things we love about Melissa.
things we love about Melissa
40+ things we love about you, Melissa 1. You Are Beautiful 2. You’re A Psalm 20 Kind Of Friend 3. Your Beautiful Smile 22. The Way You Pursue God & Relationships 23. Gentle 24. Gracious
4. You Are Sunshine 5. Your Life Lessons
25. Giving 26. Brave 27. Loving 28. Courageous 29. Willingess To Step Into Unkown, Hard Places, To Take A Risk 30. Peacemaker 31. Depth Of Relationship 32. Compassion 33. Loyalty 34. Faithfulness To God 35. Faithfulness To Family & Friends 36. You’re Really Funny 37. You Love To Help 38. You Make Play Fun 39. How Deeply You Care About People 40. Your Heart To Love 41. Your Passion To Help Others 42. Your Beautiful Heart That Loves Others BIG
6. You’re A Prayer Warrior 7. Your Obedience To God 8. You Are Gentle & Calming Even In The Middle Of Chaos 9. You’re Real, Even When It’s Hard 10. You Are Truthful & Vulnerable With Us. 11. You Inspire Us 12. Your Generosity 13. Your Love For Jesus 14. Joy 15. Child Like Joy 16. Insightful Wisdom 17. Salt & Light 18. Kind 19. Best Hugger 20. Bubbly Personality/Sparkling Presence 21. Teach And Mentor Others
Psalm 139:14
We will shout for joy when we hear of your victory. Psalm 20:5
Beautiful Smile
Diana P
Melissa’s beautiful smile lights up a room
That beautiful smile is a blessing
Sunshine My one word thought when thinking of Melissa: Sunshine! I think it is actually two words but... ❣ DeeDee
Then... September 2015
Now... 2023 & 2024
Life Lessons I love all the valuable life lessons you’d shared with me. My favorite... The jump shot hugs & lots of love, Wendy
Prayer Warrior Thank you for always stepping into the gap and interceding for us and the one anothers.
Obedience to God Obedience a companies faith. Hebrews 11: 6, 8
Joy Melissa brings joy to every person she is around no matter how her day might be going. I literally can’t help but smile every time I think of her or talk about her! Love, Ginny
Child Like Joy I love her Child Like Joy. She smiles and lights up a room! Love, Kim
JOYFUL Proverbs 17:22
Insightful Wisdom Your love for God is so deep and steadfast and your love for the word is contagious. Your insightful wisdom and advice is so deep and impacting. I love you with all my heart. Robyn
Salt & Light That’s how you shine the light of Jesus in a dark world- you share His joy with everyone, and Melissa takes every opportunity that God gives her to bring joy and encouragement to others. I love you Melissa and thank you so much for loving my kids well too!! Love, Ginny. Philippians 4:6-8
Matthew 5:13-16
Kind Auntie Lissie is always so kind to me!! Love, Norah
Best Hugger Auntie Lissie always hugs me and sissy together... one of us in each of her arms!! Love, Sloane
Bubbly Personality/Sparkling Presence Your radiant energy is infections, spreading joy wherever you go! Wednesday Warriors
Flash tattoos & genie pants. Australia’s changing me, y’all. Feb 2016.
Teach and mentor others
Even on the other side of the world, you share and teach us more about Jesus ❣ Wednesday Warriors
I love watching you mentor young women. I love you with all my heart. Robyn
Gentle Proverbs 3:17
Gracious Proverbs 3:27 Giving 1 T hes sa l o n i an s 5 :15 Brave 1 Corinthians 16:13 Loving Luke 6:31 Courageous Psalm 31:24
Willingness to step into unknown, hard places, to take a risk
Willingness to take a risk Doing what’s she’s done ❣ Griff
Your willingness to step into the unknown, the really hard places is such a beautiful example of your trust in God. I’m in awe! Wendy
Peacemaker God has created you so uniquely to be a bringer of peace (Matt 5:9). Much love, Jennifer
Depth of Relationship & Compassion The way you pursue God and relationships with others with all your heart and determination and ensure your people feel loved and cared for. Love you BIG, Helen Melissa cares deeply for individuals and is able to connect with so many different kinds of people so naturally. Much love, Jennifer
Loyal ty
Her absolute loyalty. She makes me feel seen and heard and valued. ❣ Elaine
Melissa focuses on you when she talks to you - you feel important to her ❤ Donna
Faithfulness to God and Faithfulness to Fami ly & Friends
Brave and trusting in God’s faithfulness, knowing He won’t let her fail ❣ Griff This is first faithfulness to God and following His will. She has shown us all what it looks like to truly and consistently seek God’s path. But then lucky for us, she extends faithfulness to her friends and family! Love and miss you, Big Mel! Laura
Faithful to the Lord and faithful to her friends and family. ❤ Wednesday Warriors Mel pursues friendship with God and others faithfully. She has cultivated a life of purpose and extravagant love and an unwillingness to settle for anything less than. I love you! Rebekah
What I love most about Aunt Miss is that she is really funny and she loves to help me
What I love about Aunt Miss is that she loves me a whole lot and is so much fun to play with!
What I love most about Melissa is how deeply she cares about people… I love you, Mac
What I love about Miss is her heart to love and her passion to help others any way she can! I love you seester!! ♥ Jess
What I love most about Melissa is her beautiful heart that loves others BIG!
I love you, Mama ♥
Dear sweet Melissa, Iam thanking God for filling your life with good things and good people. His ligh t shines so brigh t ly through you. YOU ARE 1. BEAUTIFUL Psalm 139:14
16. GRACIOUS Proverbs 3:27 17. GIVING 1 Thessalonians 5:15 18. BRAVE 1 Corinthians 16:13 19. LOVING Luke 6:31 20. COURAGEOUS Psalm 31:24 21. DELIGHTED IN Zephaniah 3:17 22. SALT Matthew 5:13
2. WISE Proverbs 31:26 3. UNIQUE Ephesians 2:10 4. NURTURING Proverbs 31:28 5. GENTLE Proverbs 3:17 6. SELFLESS Philippians 2:3 7. KIND Proverbs 31:26 8. BOLD 2 Timothy 1:7 9. CARING Proverbs 31:20 10. STRONG Matthew 5:14 11. GODLY Psalm 119:10 12. CHOSEN 1 Peter 2:9 13. JOYFUL Proverbs 17:22 14. DRIVEN Proverbs 31:17 15. STEADY 1 Peter 3:4
23. LIGHT Ephesians 5:8 & Matthew 5:14-16 24. CHRIST AMBASSADOR 2 Corinthians 3:8-9 25. COWORKER OF GOD 1 Corinthians 3:8-9 26. GIFTED 1Peter 4:10 27. SET APART 1 Peter 2:9 28. VALUABLE 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) 29. WONDERFULLY MADE Psalm 139:14 30. FEARLESS Proverbs 31:25
Praying that you feel the abundance of God's blessings today. Happy 40th birthday!
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